
Bill Wiese

Who Is Our Rock?

Our lives are either built on sand, or built on the rock. If we do not learn how to stand on God’s word, and be a doer of His word, we will not succeed in this life. We will be defeated, broke, sick, and depressed. Matthew 7:24 says, Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine…

Hell Testimonies

How Do I Get Saved?

Many people ask, “What is saved? How do I get saved?” Also, in these fear-filled days, many believers want to know, “Can I be assured of my salvation?” There are many questions about the afterlife. But first, what does salvation encompass? Salvation IS NOT a formula. It’s not being baptized, although we should be baptized….

Hell Testimonies

Will God Provide My Needs?

In these unprecedented times, many are dealing with financial pressure. This is a time for us to put our trust and faith in Jesus Christ. He is God Almighty, and real security is found in a relationship with Him. Let’s turn our attention to what God tells us in His Word, and know that He…

Bill Wiese

Is There Life After This?

Life after Death – Is there really an Afterlife? It is no secret that we are living in sobering times. 2 Timothy 3:1 states, “…in the last days perilous times shall come.” Many pride themselves on being prepared for any of life’s challenges. However, most are not prepared for what happens when they die. It…

Hell Testimonies

Did God Send The Virus?

Did God Send The Virus? I ask you to pray with a humble heart asking God to bring light to you from His Word on this topic. Please be patient and hear the entire message. It seems apparent that God is in the shaking that is happening all over the world. As believers, we can…

Hell Testimonies

Will God Use You?

We live in a temporary world, so we’re primarily focused on temporary matters. God wants us to become primarily focused on eternal matters. One of the most important eternal matters to God is to win souls. God wants you to win souls! That’s our purpose. God wants everyone to go to heaven and He will…

Bill Wiese

Will I Go To Hell?

Will I Go To Hell? We’re all faced with choices every day, but many of us don’t realize that we are also faced with a choice about the afterlife, and where we will spend eternity. Hell is a real place and many people are going there, and they don’t even realize it. I spent 23…

Bill Wiese

What Is Jesus Like? (Meeting Jesus during “23 Minutes In Hell”)

Many people have asked the question, “What is Jesus like?” During Bill’s 23 Minutes In Hell experience he had a life-changing encounter with Jesus. In this brand new video, Bill goes into detail about his emotional, powerful, and transforming encounter with the Savior. © Copyright 2007-2020 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved By Bill…