
Will Everyone Go To Heaven?

Will Everyone Go To Heaven?

Will Everyone Go To Heaven? There are many people today embracing the false doctrine of universalism. The definition of universalism by Dr. J. I. Packer in the book, Hell Under Fire, is this: “A universalist is someone who believes that every human being whom God has created or will create will finally come to enjoy…

Why Did God Make Hell?

Why Did God Make Hell?

Why Did God Make Hell? When God made the earth and the entire universe, He had not yet prepared hell. Hell was prepared or “made ready” for Satan after he had sinned and was cast out of heaven. Hell was not “created,” it was “prepared” as Matt. 25:41 states. In the six days of Creation…

What Happens When I Die?

What Happens When I Die?

Many people write to me and ask, “what happens when I die?” I’ve written a book called What Happens When I Die and in it, I share 34 true stories of people that have had near death experiences or clinical death experiences and what they saw. Many of them saw heaven or hell. I write about many…

The Other Side of Jesus

The Other Side of Jesus

Paul said in Acts 20:27, “I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.” Today, many like to emphasize the love, grace and mercy of Jesus, and that should be preached and praised because God is love and His love is abundant and overwhelming! However, it’s not mentioned often of His…

Faith For More

Faith For More

As Christians, no matter what we face in life, we will have to exercise faith. Faith is one of the most important topics in the entire Bible for these reasons: Jesus will be looking for faith (Luke 18:8). We walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7). We live by faith (Gal. 3:11). We are saved through…

A Final Opportunity

A Final Opportunity

More than any other time of the year, the Christmas season may present an opportunity to share the message of Jesus Christ with someone. While we don’t always know how or when it will happen, we must be available, sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading. In this video, Bill shares a time when…

Thank God for Warnings

Thank God for Warnings

Too often we look at the warnings of God as cause for fear. We may even resent God’s Word for limiting us or making us feel judged. For instance, many people resent the notion that God warns man about hell. They see it as a threat to their personal beliefs and sense of security. However,…