
Hell Testimonies

10th Anniversary Edition of 23 Minutes in Hell with Exclusive New Content Included

It’s Here! The 10th Anniversary Edition of 23 Minutes in Hell with Exclusive New Content Included! Thousands of people have committed their lives to Christ because of the message of 23 Minutes in Hell. God has used this book to arrest people’s hearts and cause them to contemplate the gravity of their choice regarding eternity. We have received…

Bill Wiese

An Unexpected Miracle

I went through a time where I was working out regularly in the gym with a very big, strong guy. I was determined to keep up with him and in doing so, I blew out my left knee lifting too much weight. My knee swelled up like a balloon. I was in agony. I finally…

Hell Testimonies

Keeping Your Word

Some time ago, I had my personal home on the market for sale. Two realtors came by to show the property. Both of their clients were interested. Shortly after they left, I received a call from one of the realtors asking if I would accept the full-price offer on the home. I said, “Yes, if…

Bill Wiese

Standing for Truth

During my career in real estate, I received a phone call from one particular owner in the neighborhood where I sold homes. He wanted to interview me, along with a couple of other agents to list his home. He was the owner of a very large construction company in California. During the listing appointment, he…

Bill Wiese

The Way Back

Pilate was talking with Jesus just before he was pressured into condemning Him to death. Jesus told him that His kingdom was not of this world. Pilate asked Him if He was a king. Jesus said He was, and He continued, “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the…

Hell Testimonies

God Always Provides

In my career, I have definitely experienced difficult times. There was one time in particular before I was married, when I was down to my last few dollars. I actually went through my house searching for coins and found about $50.00 worth of change. I proceeded to put all of the change in to rolls…

Hell Testimonies

A Fresh Assignment

“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?”  – Jeremiah 32:27 When we pray for a loved one, we hold the matter up to God in prayer, believing and expecting God to intervene and penetrate the heart of that person. Do we become weary and give up…

23 Minutes in Hell

A Gift in Secret

One evening, my wife and I had three couples over to our home for dinner. We lived in a small patio home, so the neighbor’s home was in close proximity to our home. During the course of the evening, we were all talking and then the phone rang. It was our neighbor, an elderly couple,…