
A Guilty Conscience

A Guilty Conscience

“You’re trying to shove your beliefs down my throat.” Ever heard this when you were trying to share the way of salvation with someone who doesn’t believe Jesus is the only way? This is the response even if you are being sensitive, careful, and loving to them. The truth is that no one is forcing a…

Demons In Hell

Demons In Hell

God gave me a vision that I wrote about in my book, 23 Minutes in Hell. In the vision I encountered demons. I was placed in a prison cell (Bible verses about prison cells: Isaiah 24:22; Proverbs 7:27; Job 17:16) and knew I was not alone. I saw two enormous beasts, unlike anything I had…

Did The Devil Really Do It?

Did The Devil Really Do It?

Too often, Christians blame the devil for the problems they face. The truth is that many times it’s the result of our own bad choices. We don’t slow down to pray and listen for the Holy Spirit’s direction. We don’t seek wisdom and godly counsel before making life-altering decisions. We then wonder why some evil…

Why Hell Is Necessary

Why Hell Is Necessary

There are several reasons why hell exists. 1. The punishment of sins. If no hell exists, then there would be no consequences for our actions. 2. To separate the wicked from the just. If the wicked were allowed into heaven, which they are not, they could harm the righteous, just as they do here on…

How People Yield To Demons

How People Yield To Demons

Many people who are influenced by demons are not aware, or do not even believe in the demonic realm. In addition, most do not realize the subtle way that demonic powers work. The Bible tells us Satan can transform himself into an angel of light. This means what is dark and demonic may appear fun,…

What Jesus Told Us About Hell

What Jesus Told Us About Hell

Jesus spoke of three, specific themes that describe hell in the New Testament: Punishment, destruction and banishment. People who would try to argue away these themes ignore not just what the bible clearly states…but what Jesus Himself said. The first, “punishment” includes eternal fire, burning that shall not be quenched, torment or agony, being beaten…

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Many times we all experience something uncomfortable in our lives such as a new career, relocating to a different state or country, increased responsibilities, a new relationship, or inheriting new family members through marriage. Bill, tell us about the experience you wrote about in your book, 23 Minutes in Hell. I experienced something way out…

Why Jesus Was Born

Why Jesus Was Born

If you were about to take your last breath, and I asked you, “Would you like to go to heaven?” What would you say? Most people would want to go to heaven if they believed it existed. Making the way to heaven and giving us eternal life is why Jesus came. When it comes to…

The Cell

The Cell

In the vision God gave me of hell, I saw prison cells. They were more like dungeons than cells. The one I found myself in was smoke-filled, filthy and dirty, and unbearably hot. It had rough, stone walls and there were bars on the door. I felt as though I was in a temporary holding…