23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

Are You One Of The 32 Million?

A recent Barna pole shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November. That means 104 million faith voters are unlikely to vote this election—including 32 million regular Christian church attenders. How can a Christian be indifferent to one of the most critical elections of our lifetime? Some believers spiritualize…

The Reason For Hell

Among many other reasons, the people who reject God’s ultimate sacrifice, Jesus Christ, deserve eternal punishment. Jesus suffered a torturous death in order to save us from an eternal hell. God allowed His own Son to endure this gruesome punishment …

Rescued From The Pit

Whenever we face trials and difficulties, the devil will make us feel as though all hope is gone. He will try to convince us that the darkness will never lift, and there is no way out of this mess. Don’t entertain those negative, evil thoughts! The Bible instructs us to trust in the Lord for…

How Did Jesus Describe Hell?

There are three themes used by Jesus that describe hell in the New Testament. Punishment Destruction Banishment Punishment includes burning that shall not be quenched, torment and agony, extreme thirst, weeping and gnashing of teeth, being cut into pieces and more Destruction refers to damnation, perishing, death, judgment, and eternal ruination. Banishment is described as…

Revisiting The Rapture

A pre-tribulation view teaches that the Rapture of the church (both the dead and living saints) will occur before the seven-year tribulation period, or before the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel (verses 9:24–27). People will say that believing in a pre-tribulation rapture makes you a person with an “escape mentality.” They’re right! We…

Is Hell In The New Testament?

The word Hell is mentioned 23 times in the New Testament. The words hell, pit, sheol, and hades are mentioned 132 times in the Bible. Jesus spoke of hell and destruction 46 times. Other writers of the New Testament talked of hell or everlasting destruction 10 times. People are quick to dismiss that which they…

The Unclean Spirit

  We live in a world where moral standards have completely deteriorated. Most people, even professing Christians, believe it is fine to be sexually active before marriage or to live with someone. This behavior may be widespread and common in the Church, but God still calls it sin. What happens when a person plays with…

Self Control In The Last Days

The lack of self-control in today’s society is evident all around us. When a person has no divine guidance and no meaningful purpose, they lack healthy boundaries concerning their behavior, attitudes and choices. When was the last time you examined your spiritual walk, your emotions, your relationships, social media habits, spoken words, and even your…