23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

Can I Still Be Saved?

Do you feel like you have dabbled in too many evil things, or sinned too much to ever approach God? Maybe you believe you are a lost cause, and you could never clean yourself up enough to become a Christian or be in a church. Well, you’re right. You …

Will I Go To Heaven?

The answer to that question is most likely no. You won’t. That may seem surprisingly harsh but look at what Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14:  “Many are on the wide road that leads to hell, and few are on the narrow road that leads to heaven.”
Heaven is…

Am I Deceived?

The apostles asked Jesus what the signs of His coming, and the end of the world would be. In Matthew 24:4 He responded, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” This would be the greatest sign of His return, and the judgment to come.
We witnessed this ki…