
Bill Wiese

Did Jesus Talk About Hell?

Did Jesus Talk About Hell? Jesus said, “Where their worm dies not and the fire is not quenched; where they’re cast into outer darkness, where there’s weeping and gnashing of teeth.” He mentioned everlasting fire, everlasting damnation and everlasting punishment. There are at least 150 verses in the Bible that talk about hell. These verses…

Bill Wiese

Will I Go To Hell?

Will I Go To Hell? We’re all faced with choices every day, but many of us don’t realize that we are also faced with a choice about the afterlife, and where we will spend eternity. Hell is a real place and many people are going there, and they don’t even realize it. I spent 23…

23 Minutes in Hell

No Water in Hell

No Water In Hell One of the things you will experience in hell is thirst. You will never get a drop of water. Have you ever gone a day without drinking water? Have you ever gone an entire day with out anything to drink?  It’s pretty tough. In hell there will be no water. Zechariah…

Bill Wiese

The Rich Man In Hell

The Rich Man In Hell Many people have read about the rich man in hell in Luke 16. There are those who say that it was just a parable. They say the parable doesn’t represent hell. This is the common opinion of universalists and annhilationists. Is Luke 16 A Parable? This was not a parable…

23 Minutes in Hell

Will People Suffer In Hell?

Will People Suffer In Hell? Many people have asked me the question, “Where in scripture does it actually say that people will suffer in hell?” Psalms 9:17 says, “The wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God.” Matthew 13:40 says, “And therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire….

Hell Testimonies

Is Hell A Scare Tactic?

Is Hell A Scare Tactic? Some have accused me of using scare tactics when I warn of hell. If preaching hell is using scare tactics, then Jesus is guilty. He preached hell more than anyone else in the bible. He mentioned hell in 46 separate verses. Warning someone of impending danger is actually a message…

Bill Wiese

Are There Two Hells?

Are There Two Hells? What’s the difference between Hell, Hades, Sheol, and Gehenna? Where do those who have rejected Jesus eventually end up in the afterlife? Hades and Sheol Hades is the Greek word and Sheol is the Hebrew word for the current hell, which is down deep in the earth according to scripture (Ezekiel…

23 Minutes in Hell

Will People In Hell Repent?

Will People In Hell Repent? Some people have asked me, “Would people in hell accept the Lord, given the chance?” You might be surprised to know that most would not. While many people would regret their wrong decision and remember all the time someone shared the gospel message with them, their humbling in hell would…