23 Minutes in Hell® (Full-Length)
On November 23rd, 1998 Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it has continued to captivate the world for over a decade. This powerful message will change your life!
On November 23rd, 1998 Bill Wiese experienced something so horrifying it has continued to captivate the world for over a decade. This powerful message will change your life!
This is a synopsis of 23 Minutes In Hell shared by Bill on October 29, 2014 at Calvary Christian Center in Ormond Beach, Florida. On November 23rd, 1998 I had an experience that changed my life. It doesn’t matter if you believe my experience. What matters is that you check out what God has to…
Why Hell Is So Horrible Many people believe God is mean for making hell. They believe He is sadistic for allowing someone to suffer for all eternity. But remember, the God you are accusing of being sadistic or mean is the same God who died a horrible death on the cross to keep us out….
Why an Eternal Hell Is Justifiable One question I receive quite often is, “Why does 70 or 80 years of sin in our lives deserve an eternity of punishment in hell? That doesn’t sound reasonable. The crime doesn’t seem to fit the punishment.” There are several reasons. First, the greater the one sinned against, the…
Bill Wiese, “The Man Who Went To Hell” While many try to argue away this point, the Bible clearly states that yes, hell is eternal and those who would attempt to teach or promote otherwise will be gravely mistaken. If we do not believe in an eternal hell, then we call Jesus a liar because…
Bill Wiese, The Man Who Went To Hell Regardless of the arguments people have formed against the Bible’s teachings, every person on earth will one day know the truth about hell. Yes, hell is real. Denying its existence, or believing that good people don’t go there will not change the outcome for so many. If…
Is Hell Real? Part 2 If someone doesn’t believe in hell, then they must also believe there is no heaven, because Jesus said in the same verse that just as one exists and is eternal, so is the other (Matt. 25:46). Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Job, David, Solomon, Amos, Malachi, Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, Jude, and…
We hear from many people who are confused about the use of the word “grave” in the King James Version of the Bible. They state that the word “grave” never refers to hell or Hades. What they do not realize is that there are two prominent words in the Hebrew for the word “grave.” One…
Will Everyone Go To Heaven? There are many people today embracing the false doctrine of universalism. The definition of universalism by Dr. J. I. Packer in the book, Hell Under Fire, is this: “A universalist is someone who believes that every human being whom God has created or will create will finally come to enjoy…
Why Did God Make Hell? When God made the earth and the entire universe, He had not yet prepared hell. Hell was prepared or “made ready” for Satan after he had sinned and was cast out of heaven. Hell was not “created,” it was “prepared” as Matt. 25:41 states. In the six days of Creation…