
Son of Perdition

Son of Perdition

“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple…

Do Not Break Your Word

Do Not Break Your Word

I want to share with you some examples in the Bible about how important it is to keep our word. I will start off with a story of why there was a famine in the land of Israel for three years. We have to first go back 400 years earlier in order to understand what…

Is Eternal Torment Fair?

Is Eternal Torment Fair?

Is it fair that a person like Cain, who died approximately 6,000 years ago and went to hell, must suffer longer than someone who dies today? Based on my limited knowledge of God’s nature, man’s nature, and the nature of our sin against a perfect, holy, righteous God, I am going to answer this. This…

How Many People Will Go To Hell?

How Many People Will Go To Hell?

Deaths per day:    166,859 Deaths per hour:       6,952 Deaths per minute:      116 Deaths per second:          2 Two people die every single second of every single day. How many of those people even believed hell was real? If you don’t believe it exists, how can you escape from it? Think of the people today who are…

What Is The Gospel?

What Is The Gospel?

We often hear the word Gospel mentioned in the Bible. But what exactly is the Gospel? The word Gospel means good news. It is mentioned 98 times in the New Testament. What is this good news? It is the belief and understanding that we have a Savior born unto us. Luke 2:11 says, “For there…

Deceived By Demons

Deceived By Demons

So many people believe that Hell, Satan and demons are just a joke or fantasy. They base their belief on the lies they have heard taught by other deceived people, or on their feelings. The Bible tells us that Satan deceives unbelievers. Are you one of the deceived? 2 Corinthians 4:4, “Satan, who is the…

How Do I Avoid Being Deceived?

How Do I Avoid Being Deceived?

This is a new teaching from Bill filmed at Christian Family Church in San Antonio, Texas in December 2023. Here are a few key take-aways from the teaching: 5 lies to guard against:              1. We need to save the planet               2. There is life on other planets              3. All Bibles are created equal              4. The…