
23 Minutes in Hell

Was Jesus Perfect?

Was Jesus Perfect? There are some that say Jesus was not sinless. This false accusation is derived from ignorance of the scriptures. 2 Cor. 5:21     God, hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin. 1 Pet. 2:22      Who did no sin. 1 John 3:5       In him is no sin. Heb. 4:15…

Bill Wiese

Judgment Day

God gave me a vision of hell, which I wrote about in my book, 23 Minutes in Hell. The last thing Jesus said to me was, “Tell them I am coming very, very soon.”  Then He repeated himself, “Tell them I am coming very, very soon.” This was in 1998. I believe He has delayed…

23 Minutes in Hell

Why The Cross?

Since we all live in a world dominated by sin, we have become so accustomed to it that it seems acceptable to many. However, God lives in a perfect place where there is no sin, and He will never allow sin into heaven (Revelation 21:27). This is a problem for every person because we are…

23 Minutes in Hell

23 Minutes In Hell Up Close

On November 23rd, 1998, God gave me a vision of hell and it changed my life. I had never had a vision before and I had never studied the topic of hell. I have never gone to dark movies. I’ve never consumed alcohol, and I’ve never taken drugs. Everything I’m going to tell you about hell is already in the Bible so it’s not important you believe my experience, only the Word of God…

Hell Testimonies

Is There A Purgatory?

Is There A Purgatory? Is purgatory a biblical belief? The answer is, no it’s not. It’s actually a Catholic belief. The definition of purgatory by Holman’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary (page 1350) states, “According to Roman Catholicism, souls of the Christians who die burdened by venial or remitted mortal sins are translated to Purgatory where they…

Bill Wiese

Did Jesus Talk About Hell?

Did Jesus Talk About Hell? Jesus said, “Where their worm dies not and the fire is not quenched; where they’re cast into outer darkness, where there’s weeping and gnashing of teeth.” He mentioned everlasting fire, everlasting damnation and everlasting punishment. There are at least 150 verses in the Bible that talk about hell. These verses…

Hell Testimonies

What Is Jesus Like?

What Is Jesus Like? To attempt to describe the Almighty God is far beyond human capabilities. The languages do not contain the grandeur needed to express His majesty. This will be a humble and feeble attempt for His description. The Bible shows that He is purposed, yet not forceful; He is un-compromised, yet not demanding….

Bill Wiese

Who Is The Enemy?

We have an enemy! Too many Christians do not realize that we have an enemy. Some are completely unaware that we must resist the devil. There are demonic spirits watching us to find an entrance into our lives to harm and destroy us. Ecclesiastes 10:8 states, “Whoever breaks a hedge, a serpent will bite.” In…

23 Minutes in Hell

What You Should Know

The events unfolding in our world today are riddled with deception. Each of us should be searching for truth, but it takes some digging and work on our part. We need to ask ourselves, “Is everything happening around us really just about keeping us safe?” Or…is it also about controlling people, destroying individual freedoms, and…