
23 Minutes in Hell

The Last Days

The Last Days Because of the evil, upheaval, and turmoil happening in the world, I’ve been asked by many Christians if the time of the Tribulation has come, as mentioned in the book of Revelation. My answer is no, not quite yet. Most believers understand we are living in the last days based upon biblical…

Bill Wiese

Desolation In Hell

Desolation In Hell I wrote the book called 23 Minutes in Hell, where I share the vision God gave me of this horrid place. One of the things I experienced in my vision was the extreme desolation. The only visible area I could see was whatever the flames slightly illuminated. THERE IS NOT ONE LIVING…

Bill Wiese

Fear in Hell

Fear in Hell During my 23 Minutes in Hell experience, the level of fear I encountered overwhelmed me. The Bible tells us that fear is an evil spirit (2 Timothy 1:7). It is not merely an emotion. The fear level is so far beyond anything you could possibly imagine. Psalm 73:18–19 says, “Thou castedst them…

Bill Wiese

Darkness In Hell

Darkness In Hell God gave me a vision of hell, which I write about in my book, 23 Minutes in Hell. One of the things I experienced was the most intense darkness. At one point in my vision, I crawled out of the prison cell where I was first placed. It was totally black. I…

23 Minutes in Hell

Why Do People Go To Hell?

People go to hell because they choose to reject God. They harden their heart, don’t want to hear about Jesus, and ignore all the ways God tries to reach them throughout their lifetime. In Matthew 13:15, Jesus said, “For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed…

23 Minutes in Hell

Dead But Alive

Dead But Alive After my 23 Minutes in Hell experience it was difficult to explain to people how it is that you are dead, but still exist and feel pain in hell. Death is separation from God and God is the source of all life. Our spirit and soul lives forever yet in hell you…

Hell Testimonies

Not Just An Emotional Experience

Not Just an Emotional Experience Many believe that the reason someone becomes a Christian is because they are needy and emotionally weak. That’s not true. First of all, receiving Jesus Christ is not just an emotional experience. Billy Graham explains that “there are three words that will help us understand the Christian life: Fact, Faith and…

Bill Wiese

Good vs. Evil

Good vs. Evil Isaiah 5:20 states, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” In our world today, many have no absolute standard for truth in their lives. They are blinded by the information coming through social media and the news, so they don’t even recognize evil from good!  Hebrews 5:14 tells believers…

Hell Testimonies

Where Is Our Hope?

Where Is Our Hope? During these difficult times, many feel that they have no hope. Perhaps you have lost your job, or you are dealing with an illness, or have family issues. However, if we place our trust and hope in Jesus Christ, He is well able to deliver us out of any difficult situation….