
23 Minutes in Hell

Dead But Alive

Dead But Alive After my 23 Minutes in Hell experience it was difficult to explain to people how it is that you are dead, but still exist and feel pain in hell. Death is separation from God and God is the source of all life. Our spirit and soul lives forever yet in hell you…

Hell Testimonies

Not Just An Emotional Experience

Not Just an Emotional Experience Many believe that the reason someone becomes a Christian is because they are needy and emotionally weak. That’s not true. First of all, receiving Jesus Christ is not just an emotional experience. Billy Graham explains that “there are three words that will help us understand the Christian life: Fact, Faith and…

Bill Wiese

Good vs. Evil

Good vs. Evil Isaiah 5:20 states, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” In our world today, many have no absolute standard for truth in their lives. They are blinded by the information coming through social media and the news, so they don’t even recognize evil from good!  Hebrews 5:14 tells believers…

Hell Testimonies

Where Is Our Hope?

Where Is Our Hope? During these difficult times, many feel that they have no hope. Perhaps you have lost your job, or you are dealing with an illness, or have family issues. However, if we place our trust and hope in Jesus Christ, He is well able to deliver us out of any difficult situation….

23 Minutes in Hell

The Sound of Hell

The Sound of Hell The Lord gave me a vision. In 1998, I experienced 23 minutes in hell. One aspect of hell that adds to the horror of what a person sees and feels, is also what they are forced to hear in this place of torment. When I heard the screams in hell, it…

Hell Testimonies

A Universalist Explained

A Universalist Someone who believes that all men are saved and will go to heaven, no matter what a person believes is called a Universalist. They say a person may go to hell for a period of time, but will eventually leave hell, and enter heaven. A Universalist states that their main objection to eternal…

Bill Wiese

False Teachers

False Teachers In 2 Timothy 3:13, it warns that evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Jesus said in Matthew 7:15-20: Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing. In other words, they will come to you looking like a Christian. Jesus warned you’ll know them…

Bill Wiese

Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God? Some people say that Jesus never said He was the Son of God. Jesus himself said He was the Son of God in at least 24 verses. Here are just four, one from each Gospel: Matthew 26:63-64, the high priest asked Jesus, “tell us whether you are the Messiah, the Son of…

Bill Wiese

Are All People A Child Of God?

Are All People A Child Of God? Many Christians and Pastors today believe we are all God’s children. This is a common misconception. Everyone is God’s creation, but everyone is not God’s child. What does the Bible say in regard to this commonly expressed idea? Gal. 3:26         For ye are all the children of God…

Hell Testimonies

Understanding Punishment

Understanding Punishment There are three types of punishment mentioned in the Bible, and some of our church leaders apply the wrong punishment in regard to hell. The three kinds are:  Preventative – Meant to prevent others from doing the same wrong doing (1 Timothy 5:20). Redemptive – meaning to bring about improvement in the person…