Why Eternal Hell Is Deserved

23 Minutes in Hell

Why Eternal Hell Is Deserved

There are those who reject an eternal hell because they believe God would be morally flawed to allow such suffering. They adhere to a God that is only loving, and do not see that He is Holy and greatly opposed to sin.

Bill Wiese

GOD IS THE JUDGE. Since God is just, He must punish us for our sins, just as a good judge in our land must punish the criminal.The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that the wages we all deserve for our sin is death. Death means to be separated from God. To be separated from Him means we are separated from all good, as all good comes only from Him, as James 1:17 states.

Hell was prepared for the devil, and not for man. However, if man rejects Jesus as his Lord and Savior, there is no other place prepared for him to go. God proved His love for us by sending His only Son to suffer a horrible death on the Cross in our place, and then He rose from the dead.

HEAVEN AND HELL ARE YOUR DECISION. People have a free will to reject God’s provision, or accept His free gift of salvation, and repent of their sins. Many cry out for pro choice. Well, here God’s gives you pro choice, and man doesn’t like it. He would rather accuse God of being mean than to be accountable for his decision.  Jesus died for you and me. What more would you want Him to do? 

In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asked His disciples a question. He said, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Be careful how you answer this one question, as it will determine where you spend your eternity.

For more on this topic:

Why An Eternal Hell Is Justifiable

Why Do People Go To Hell? 

Why Hell Is So Horrible

© Copyright 2007-2021 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell