
Which Hell Is Eternal?

Which Hell Is Eternal?

“How can hell be eternal when those in hell will be released and stand before God and be judged?” First of all, their release may only be seconds, and that would not be a legitimate argument against an eternal hell.  To go a step further, there are two hells, and only one hell is eternal….

How Seeing Hell Changed Me

How Seeing Hell Changed Me

People often ask how my vision of hell changed me. First of all, seeing hell would change anyone. It was so horrifying, so far beyond words, that I couldn’t stop thinking about it for the next entire year. I would look at a group of people and think, “Most of these people are going to…

Winning Souls

Winning Souls

Bill shares personal true stories of his conversations with unsaved people over the years. He also explains how to be led by the Holy Spirit when sharing Jesus Christ with people. Not one size fits all. Every individual has a different personality and different life experiences so we must be sensitive to how God leads…

Warning! Hell Is Real

Warning! Hell Is Real

Warning! Hell is Real Hell is not a popular subject in most churches today. Many of these churches don’t believe or teach that hell is a literal burning place. Some pastors don’t want to offend their congregations by telling them there is a very real hell to shun.  While we should be respectful of everyone’s…

It Will Be Too Late Then

It Will Be Too Late Then

It Will Be Too Late Then There was an atheist I spoke to once. He was a millionaire, a very wealthy guy, very smart. I said everything I could say to him for two hours but he would not listen. He said, “Bill, you know what? I am just not interested. I’m not interested.” God…

The False Doctrine of Annihilationism

The False Doctrine of Annihilationism

The False Doctrine of Annihilationism Dr. Christopher W. Morgan in the book, Hell Under Fire, page 196 writes, “Annihilationism is the belief that those who die apart from saving faith in Jesus Christ will be ultimately destroyed. Thus, the annihilationist rejects the historic view of hell as conscious, endless punishment.” There are many biblical reasons why Annihilationism is…

The Cure For Shame

The Cure For Shame

  The Cure For Shame In 1998, God gave me a vision of hell that I wrote about in my book, 23 Minutes in Hell. When Jesus first appeared to me in this vision, I felt extreme shame. I felt so dirty next to a Holy, perfect God. The shame for my sin and my…