
It Will Be Too Late Then

It Will Be Too Late Then

It Will Be Too Late Then There was an atheist I spoke to once. He was a millionaire, a very wealthy guy, very smart. I said everything I could say to him for two hours but he would not listen. He said, “Bill, you know what? I am just not interested. I’m not interested.” God…

The False Doctrine of Annihilationism

The False Doctrine of Annihilationism

The False Doctrine of Annihilationism Dr. Christopher W. Morgan in the book, Hell Under Fire, page 196 writes, “Annihilationism is the belief that those who die apart from saving faith in Jesus Christ will be ultimately destroyed. Thus, the annihilationist rejects the historic view of hell as conscious, endless punishment.” There are many biblical reasons why Annihilationism is…

The Cure For Shame

The Cure For Shame

  The Cure For Shame In 1998, God gave me a vision of hell that I wrote about in my book, 23 Minutes in Hell. When Jesus first appeared to me in this vision, I felt extreme shame. I felt so dirty next to a Holy, perfect God. The shame for my sin and my…

The One Road To Avoid Hell

The One Road To Avoid Hell

The One Road to Avoid Hell Some people think God is narrow-minded for stating there is only one-way to heaven. It’s because Satan has inspired a countless number of religions and false beliefs. He has done this in order to deceive people, and plant the idea in their mind that there is more than one…