
Can Sin Send You To Hell?

Can Sin Send You To Hell?

The only sin that sends a person to hell is the rejection of Jesus Christ, who came as the provision for our sins. There is no individual sin that sends a person to hell. We have all sinned, and therefore need a Savior. John 3:18 says, “He that believes not on him is condemned already.”…

How Much Is A Soul Worth?

How Much Is A Soul Worth?

Some time ago, I was selling my home. Two realtors came by to show it and then they both left. One realtor called me back and said, “Bill. I have a full price offer on your house, and it’s for the terms we discussed. Will you take it?” I said, “Yes, I’ll take the offer.”…

Three Things God Can’t Do

Three Things God Can’t Do

Most people will be surprised, and maybe even gasp at that statement. You mean there are some things God can’t do? Yes, it’s true. He can do anything, except for these three things: First, God cannot lie. Eight times the scripture says that the Almighty God cannot lie. Here are just a few verses: Titus…

Why Share Christ With Others?

Why Share Christ With Others?

There are five reasons that hinder people from sharing Christ with others. There are also five reasons why people should! Let’s start with why they don’t:     People become complacent. It’s not a priority.     They fear man rather than fearing God.      They don’t understand the severity of hell.      They don’t feel they have enough knowledge….

Is Satan In Torment?

Is Satan In Torment?

When Jesus went to cast out a demon (Matthew 8:29) the demon said to Jesus, “What have we to do with you, Jesus, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time?”  The demon indicated his time of torment had not come. What was the time the demon was referring to?  The…

Fishing For A Soul

Fishing For A Soul

We were traveling on a plane as we often do for the ministry. There was a young man sitting next to us who worked for one of the high-tech companies. He was really bright. Over the next hour we talked a bit, and I asked him about his business. He shared some of the details…

Was It Really Samuel?

Was It Really Samuel?

From 1 Samuel Chapter 28: King Saul inquired of God for advice…but God did not answer him because of his disobedience. King Saul then went to the witch of Endor to bring back the prophet Samuel from the dead even though this practice was forbidden by God. Was it Samuel who appeared to him…or was…