
23 Minutes in Hell

A Full Commitment

Many believers write to us and share that they continue to struggle with sin. The reason many struggle is that they have not truly made a full commitment to the Lord.  In our society today, we want things instantly. But change doesn’t happen overnight. We have to be patient and apply the word of God…

Hell Testimonies

Is There Life After Death?

At one point in everyone’s life, they will ask the most important question:  “Is There Life After Death?” Most of these people didn’t expect to die when they did. We all somehow think that death won’t happen to us but one day, it shows up at our door. These people all walked the earth just…

Bill Wiese

Struggling With Sin

We meet many people at our meetings who share that they are struggling with sin. They tell us they struggle with things like pornography, alcohol, drugs, etc. They state that they go to church every week and pray, and ask God to help them get rid of the desire, but they are still struggling with…

23 Minutes in Hell

Fear of the Lord

There is one subject not mentioned in many churches today, and that is the Fear of the Lord. What is the Fear of the Lord? It’s a respect and awe we have for God to the point where we will obey His Word. David said in Psalm 119:63, ” I am a companion of all…