
Is There A Spirit World?

Is There A Spirit World?

Have you ever wondered if the afterlife is real? The main reason we can be confident it is real is because Jesus Christ said it is. He said that there are only two places where people will go after they die. Those two places are Heaven or hell and yes, they do exist. In Matthew…

Are People Isolated In Hell?

Are People Isolated In Hell?

I really believe today’s video will help deepen your appreciation for the Lord, your family, your friends, your church family and every godly relationship the Lord brings into your life. We were never created to be alone! Try to imagine a place where you will never see a person again. Imagine a place where you…

Gods Commands Protect You

Gods Commands Protect You

Some people think God is oppressive. My question is, “How is God inflicting hardship, restraint and control upon you when He created you with a free will?” When the Lord God Almighty gives us commands and instruction, it is for our good, not our harm. It is to protect us. This includes protection for our…

A Deadly Decision

A Deadly Decision

Most people don’t understand what the fear of the Lord is. There is a total lack of respect for God, even to the point of arrogance and rebellion towards Him. People mock Him in their lifestyle, their words, and their spewing of hatred for His ways. I have never seen in my 54 years as…

Gates Of Hell

Gates Of Hell

The Bible indicates that there are actual gates at the entrance of hell. Why is this important? Because it signifies that hell is an eternal prison with no escape. People need to understand that. The gates reflect its permanency. Many commentaries state that the term “gates of hell” are symbolic of Satan’s force against the…

Son of Perdition

Son of Perdition

“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple…

Do Not Break Your Word

Do Not Break Your Word

I want to share with you some examples in the Bible about how important it is to keep our word. I will start off with a story of why there was a famine in the land of Israel for three years. We have to first go back 400 years earlier in order to understand what…

Is Eternal Torment Fair?

Is Eternal Torment Fair?

Is it fair that a person like Cain, who died approximately 6,000 years ago and went to hell, must suffer longer than someone who dies today? Based on my limited knowledge of God’s nature, man’s nature, and the nature of our sin against a perfect, holy, righteous God, I am going to answer this. This…