The Worst Part Of Hell

During the 23 Minutes in Hell vision I was given by God, I understood while in hell that I was separated from God, and from all good in this life forever. I understood I would never escape, and I would be alone in agony for all eternity. I experienced what it’s like to be utterly hopeless. There is absolutely no ray of hope for any who enter hell’s gates.
Isaiah 38:18 states, “Those who go down to the pit cannot hope for Your truth.” We know that Jesus is that truth, but it will be too late for those in hell to repent and receive Him as Lord and Savior.
Ecclesiastes 9:4 says, “For to him that is joined to all the living, there is hope.”
In hell, I thought about how I would have an eternity without my wife, and never have the opportunity to tell her how much I love and miss her. I remembered how good life was with her but now I knew I would suffer an eternity of remorse, regret, and loss.
On Earth, we will all eventually die and escape whatever torment we are facing but in hell, people will exist forever. They can never escape or stop the pain. Their desire is to die, but they are “the living dead.”
Dr. Daniel I. Block in the book, Hell Under Fire, page 58 said it this way: “That which survives of the deceased is not simply the spiritual component of the Human being, but a shadowy image of the whole person, complete with head and skeleton . . . Israelite burial practices said, while the physical flesh decomposed, the person was thought to descend to the vast subterranean mausoleum in which the dead continued to live in a remarkably real sense as “living corpses.”
Romans 9:22 calls them “vessels of wrath, fitted for destruction.” This verse may be indicating that there is a spiritual body prepared for hell.
Acts 17:28 states, “For in Him we live and move and have our being.” Without Jesus, only death and horror exist.
Job 7:9 says, “He that goeth down to the Sheol shall come up no more.”
The finality and permanence of hell is by far the worst part. In this life on earth, our mind always foresees an end to whatever horror we are going through. In hell however, our mind can grasp that there is no way out. One hundred billion years will go by and it will still be as day one.
Please pause for a moment to try and grasp this reality of forever. Do whatever you must do now to avoid ending up in this indescribable place of isolation. I don’t want any person to ever experience the hopelessness of hell.
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By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell