
Hell Testimonies

The Real Root Of Evil

Accuser Deceiver Liar Slanderer Thief Author of Confusion   Satan has many names. Satan also has an agenda. Do you know how he carries out his plans? He manipulates the mind of man. He distorts the truth and entices with promises of power. He continually attempts to dismantle our destiny by distracting us from our purpose….

23 Minutes in Hell

It All Ties Together

Many believers don’t realize that God’s Word is holistic. That means it all ties together. There are built-in safety guards in His Word that cause it to work in its fullness only as a whole. For instance, if you don’t tithe, you won’t prosper God’s way (Mal. 3:8–9; Matt. 23:23). However, if you do tithe…

Hell Testimonies

There Are No Exceptions

Many people write to us and ask the question, “What about the guy in the remote jungle who never heard the Gospel, or heard about Jesus Christ? Is he going to go to hell?” I have a video teaching on this topic at YouTube. It’s called “Accountable Before God.” In addition to what I shared…

Hell Testimonies

Why Hell Is So Horrible

Why Hell Is So Horrible Many people believe God is mean for making hell. They believe He is sadistic for allowing someone to suffer for all eternity. But remember, the God you are accusing of being sadistic or mean is the same God who died a horrible death on the cross to keep us out….

23 Minutes in Hell

Is Hell Eternal?

Bill Wiese, “The Man Who Went To Hell” While many try to argue away this point, the Bible clearly states that yes, hell is eternal and those who would attempt to teach or promote otherwise will be gravely mistaken. If we do not believe in an eternal hell, then we call Jesus a liar because…

Bill Wiese

Is Hell Real – Part I

Bill Wiese, The Man Who Went To Hell Regardless of the arguments people have formed against the Bible’s teachings, every person on earth will one day know the truth about hell. Yes, hell is real. Denying its existence, or believing that good people don’t go there will not change the outcome for so many. If…