23 Minutes in Hell Podcast
with Bill and Annette Wiese
Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.
The last words Jesus said to me during my 23 Minutes In Hell vision were, “Tell them, I am coming very, very soon.” He then repeated Himself. “Tell them, I am coming very, very soon.”
As born-again believers, we know that Jesus is coming back to rapture …
There are many misconceptions about heaven. Some think it will actually be boring, and we’ll do nothing but sing hymns and be surrounded by chubby little angels with wings. These views are a result of religion, and have nothing to do with the reality of …
The Bible gives us multiple ways to verify if it was Samuel the prophet whom Saul encountered in this passage from the book of 1 Samuel. This is not a doctrinal issue, so it is not crucial to believe one way or the other. This teaching is an opportunity …
There is no greater mistake than remaining ignorant about what happens when we die. This is one topic we all must be absolutely 100% right about, or face extremely dire, horrific consequences as a result. Listen as Bill and Annette share three true stori…
Jesus often confronted the religious hypocrites of His day. They concealed their hypocrisy and lawlessness by appearing clean but their hearts were evil, As Christians, we can take a lesson from these encounters and ask ourselves if what we do in public …
Trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior gives us a new heart and a new spirit. What takes place is a transformation. Becoming a child of God gives us direction, fulfillment, hope, and eternal life. This is nothing short of a Miracle. Before we put ou…
As defined in the Encyclopedia Brittanica, “Transhumanism is a social and philosophical movement devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies.” In other words, it is the belief that we can enhance our natural…
We live in a world that has become increasingly hostile to Christianity, the Bible, and anything defined by God as morally pure, innocent and good. Here in America we have not suffered like our brothers and sisters in other nations, but the persecution i…
It was a very challenging year for many people in 2021. With God’s grace, we can stand up and embrace His instruction for our lives, found in His unchanging Word, and move forward.
For more information about Bill Wiese and Soul Choice Ministries please v…
Spending time with people we love is a valuable gift however, there are those who have no family, difficult relationships, or other circumstances. Regardless of your family situation, your Heavenly Father loves you and invites you to be a part of His fam…