23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

Visions of Hell

Visions of Hell

There are many other people who have also experienced a vision of hell like myself. These visions caused them to have a fervency to win the lost and to serve God all of their lives. 
For more information about Bill Wiese and Soul Choice Ministries please…

A Strong Delusion

We are living in a time and day where people are quite frankly, under strong delusion. Many consider themselves to be of the Christian faith, yet do not hold steadfast to the actual teachings of the Bible.
In this episode Bill and Annette share current s…

What Did Jesus Preach?

There is a compromised gospel being preached under the false banner of love and grace. Do we remember what Jesus preached? Did He preach a politically correct, crowd-pleasing message? Did Jesus compromise His message so as not offend anyone? 
Listen as B…

Is Repentance Required?

Is repentance a requirement for Salvation? The short answer is, yes it is. Jesus said in Luke 13:3, “unless a man repent, you shall all likewise perish.” Mentally agreeing with the fact that Jesus is God is not enough to be saved. 
For more information a…