
The Fires Of Hell

The Fires Of Hell

There are a great many people who claim there is no fire in hell yet Jesus told us about the rich man in the current hell. From Luke 16:23, “And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Then he cried and said,…

When Was Hell Created?

When Was Hell Created?

Hell was not created, but prepared. The word “prepared” in the Strong’s means “to make ready.” In Matthew 25:41 Jesus said, “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” This is the same word that God used in John…

Lies About Hell

Lies About Hell

You may have heard that hell is just a temporary place where bad people go when they die, before they are annihilated. Is this a true statement about hell? There are actually a number of popular beliefs about hell, many not found in the Bible. What lies are your believing about hell? The first lie…

Is Hell Fair?

Is Hell Fair?

Because sin is all around us, we’ve become somewhat accustomed to it. Many people have come to think that hell is too severe for the sins committed today. We’ve determined that God should not judge anyone so harshly. What we need to realize is whom we have sinned against. Sinning against our fellow man is…

Can We Pray For People In Hell?

Can We Pray For People In Hell?

No, absolutely not. These next verses were spoken by Jesus Matthew 25:46, And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” It is the same Greek word used for everlasting and eternal, the word, “Aionios.” Both places are eternal. The belief that you can pray someone out of hell is similar…

A Glimpse Of Hell On Earth

A Glimpse Of Hell On Earth

Some people may question whether I exaggerated the torment during my 23 minutes spent in hell. However, hell could never be exaggerated by anyone. While the Tribulation period will certainly be like hell on earth, there is one aspect that occurs during this seven-year period that will actually be supernatural evil.  Revelation 9:5–6 speaks of…

The Whirlwind To Hell

The Whirlwind To Hell

During my vision of hell, Jesus took me above the earth’s surface while I was coming up out of hell. We were in a whirlwind tunnel that extended far above the surface of the earth. When I looked back at this tunnel, I saw people falling in one after another back down into hell. It…