
How Do We Understand God?

How Do We Understand God?

One common misconception among Christians is that man cannot understand God’s ways. We often hear people use the phrase, “God’s ways are not our ways” referencing the verse in Isaiah 55:8–9, which says, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher…

No One Deserves Heaven

No One Deserves Heaven

Why do you think God should let you into Heaven? Do you really think you are good enough? The truth is that most people do think they are good enough. People compare themselves based on their interactions and experiences with others. Their standard of good is subjective and based on what they observe, and on…

Hope For Confusion

Hope For Confusion

In today’s world I could tell someone that I am a blue monkey, and they’d agree with me with responding with something like, “Well, whatever your truth is, that’s what you are.” This is absolute nonsense! Most people are simply agreeing with this type of absurdity because they don’t want to appear judgmental, or they…

Who Wrote The Bible?

Who Wrote The Bible?

What do we know about the men who wrote the Bible? Some people have the misconception that these men were uneducated fisherman, or weak individuals who needed a crutch in life. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that many of these writers very educated. Some of them had great wealth, some…

Jesus Our Example

Jesus Our Example

Do you want to know how you can be more like Jesus? Learn to be humble. As a matter of fact, Jesus is our supreme example of humility. Many people think that a humble person is someone who is passive, lacks confidence and does not stand up for himself. This is completely unbiblical. This is…

From Your Deathbed

From Your Deathbed

Imagine your doctor has informed you that you only have hours to live. Your disease is in the final stages. You will probably not last the night. What is important to you during those last remaining hours you have on this earth? Many of us would have questions about the afterlife. But someone on their…