23 Minutes in Hell Podcast
with Bill and Annette Wiese
Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.
The Bible calls King David a man after God’s own heart. Why? What exactly did David do in God’s eyes to earn that kind of title?
One reason we know for certain is because David had great faith in God’s Word, and stood bravely before the enemy. He als…
Two people die every second of every day. And how many of those even believe hell is real? If one doesn’t believe in it, how can they escape from it? The Bible gives us a few verses that indicate there are many going to hell, and few that will enter …
In Luke 16 Jesus gave an account of a rich man in hell. In doing so He revealed much information to us about hell and a place called Paradise, which is also referred to as “Abraham’s Bosom.” We know that t his story was not a parable, but an actual a…
“So he went and preached to the spirits in prison…those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. Only eight people were saved from drowning in that terrible flood.” – 1 Peter 3:19-20
Who exactly were t…
God is grieved to see any of His creation going to hell. He gave His life on the cross and paid the price for our sins, so no one has to go there if they would repent. He loves everyone, and His desire is that everyone would receive His gift of salva…
We have all been witness to the disasters, storms, fires, wars, and unusual occurrences taking place in our world. Jesus said these things would take place in the last days, but the end would not be quite yet. He said these are the birth pains, and o…
Evil exists in the world because Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). Jesus told us in John 10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it m…
If we believe a person cannot lost their salvation, then we must ask, “Do we lose our free will when we are saved?” If God will allow people to choose hell with their free will, why wouldn’t He allow us to depart from our salvation and reject Him with ou…
Jesus confronted people who were in sin and called their behavior what it was. He called it sin. When the woman was caught in adultery Jesus forgave her but He said, “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11). When He healed the man at the pool of Bethesda He …
Many people blame God, and turn away from Him when a loved one dies. They believe that God could have stopped it but He chose not to. Is God in control of everything no matter what happens?
Is God really behind all the heinous crimes, betrayal, murd…