23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

The Unclean Spirit

  We live in a world where moral standards have completely deteriorated. Most people, even professing Christians, believe it is fine to be sexually active before marriage or to live with someone. This behavior may be widespread and common in the Church, but God still calls it sin. What happens when a person plays with…

Self Control In The Last Days

The lack of self-control in today’s society is evident all around us. When a person has no divine guidance and no meaningful purpose, they lack healthy boundaries concerning their behavior, attitudes and choices. When was the last time you examined your spiritual walk, your emotions, your relationships, social media habits, spoken words, and even your…

Those Who Mock God

A clear indication that we are living in the last of the last days is the continual attack and mockery against Christianity. Last week, potentially over one billion people watched the Olympics and witnessed the world applaud an offensive, demonic mockery of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, “The Last Supper.” This painting portrays Jesus Christ’s last…

Jesus Is Coming

Jesus Christ came to earth the first time as our Savior. He died on the cross, was buried, and rose from the dead. He said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.” Do you know that Jesus Christ is coming back again, but this…

The Spiritual World Is Real

If we could see into the spiritual realm, we would witness a fierce battle between angels and demons over nations. We would observe the evil spirits influencing individuals to commit evil acts. We would see the spirits of confusion, hatred, fear and addiction holding people in bondage. Every day, we see the evidence of this…

God’s Plan For Man

God’s original plan for man was to live forever in paradise, and not work by the sweat of his brow. When God created Adam and Eve, there was no sickness, disease, or lack. There was no death or destruction of any kind.  Satan, who was called Lucifer chose to rebel against God because he wanted…