23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

A Dangerous Way To Live

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. – Hosea 4:6 The Bible demonstrates that God’s people were living in rebellion against Him, and God said they will be destroyed because of it. The word “destroyed” carries the meanings “cause to cease, cut off, perish, to be undone.” Their condition was serious. The prophets came…

Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Throughout our lives, we will all experience some kind of uncomfortable situation. Starting a new job, moving to a new neighborhood, or meeting new family members through marriage can all feel out of our comfort zone. I experienced something way out of my comfort zone when I began to share the vision God gave me…

Obtaining Favor

Most of us would like to have favor with God and with man. The question is, “How do we acquire it?” Some people teach that all you have to do is claim it. However, this is not the case. Jesus gave us an example of how we find Godly wisdom in Luke 2:52. It says,…

What God Hates

We are very grateful that many Americans woke up to the world around us, which was clearly seen in our historic election last week. The Lord was merciful to us and to our nation. As Christians, we are called to walk in the fear of the Lord, discern good from evil, and hate what God…

Hell: Torment or Consumption

It’s hard to believe that there are Christians, and even Biblical scholars, who still insist that the fires of hell are neither painful, nor meant for eternal torment. They have decided for themselves that the fires are intended for consumption and destruction. Revelation 21:8 says the unbelieving…and all liars…shall have their part in the lake…

The Spirit Of Destruction

Bill and Annette discuss a dream Bill experienced in 2001. This dream took place before Bill had written his book, 23 Minutes In Hell. They explain what the dream represented, the Spirit of destruction they witnessed, and why we must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the ways in which He communicates with us….

Hell In The Book Of Revelation

The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ gives us a detailed account of what to expect in the last days. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ’s second coming, and His wrath being executed upon earth’s inhabitants. It describes the world leader known as the Antichrist, who is possessed by Satan, and makes war…

Are You One Of The 32 Million?

A recent Barna poll shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November. That means 104 million faith voters are unlikely to vote this election—including 32 million regular Christian church attenders. How can a Christian be indifferent to one of the most critical elections of our lifetime? Some believers spiritualize…

The Reason For Hell

Among many other reasons, the people who reject God’s ultimate sacrifice, Jesus Christ, deserve eternal punishment. Jesus suffered a torturous death in order to save us from an eternal hell. God allowed His own Son to endure this gruesome punishment …