
Understanding Jesus

Understanding Jesus

There are many inaccurate portrayals of Jesus in the world today, especially among false religions and their leaders. They will tell people that Jesus eagerly condemned people of their sin. They say He didn’t always heal people because it’s not always His will. Still others portray Jesus as pious or boring or tolerant of all….

Is Fear A Spirit?

Is Fear A Spirit?

People like to say that having a little fear is healthy but that depends on the situation.  In regard to escaping evil or potential harm, fear is a vital response. It is a necessary feeling in order to react quickly and appropriately to avoid danger. It is a distressing emotion caused by a real or…

About The Rapture

About The Rapture

Some people say that the Rapture cannot take place until every nation hears the gospel and the last Gentile is saved. Is that what the Bible teaches? Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Notice, it’s…

Did Judas Go To Hell?

Did Judas Go To Hell?

Yes, Judas did go to hell but he could have been saved. If Judas would have simply repented and turned to God, the Bible tells us that every person, regardless of what they’ve done, can be saved. Great men of the Bible have committed murder, adultery, idolatry, lied, stolen, acted cowardly, and more. Regarding Judas…

A Glimpse Of Hell On Earth

A Glimpse Of Hell On Earth

Some people may question whether I exaggerated the torment during my 23 minutes spent in hell. However, hell could never be exaggerated by anyone. While the Tribulation period will certainly be like hell on earth, there is one aspect that occurs during this seven-year period that will actually be supernatural evil.  Revelation 9:5–6 speaks of…

The Whirlwind To Hell

The Whirlwind To Hell

During my vision of hell, Jesus took me above the earth’s surface while I was coming up out of hell. We were in a whirlwind tunnel that extended far above the surface of the earth. When I looked back at this tunnel, I saw people falling in one after another back down into hell. It…

Seeing In the Dark Of Hell

Seeing In the Dark Of Hell

In my book 23 Minutes in Hell, I wrote that I could see through the flames, and witnessed the people burning in Hell. How could I see if the Bible describes Hell as, “the blackness of darkness forever?” (Jude 13; 2 Peter 2:17).                First, there are two hells and two locations. These verses may refer…