23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

A.I. And The Beast

A.I. And The Beast

Hollywood movies have portrayed the dangers of Artificial Intelligence using robots that seem to grow a mind of their own. The goal of the robots always seems to be destroying humanity. But is this just fantasy?
Today, experts in the field have been …

Consequences of Sin

Consequences of Sin

What are the consequences of sin that is not dealt with? What physical and emotional pain can it cause? The pattern of ongoing sinful behavior is a danger to every person, including Christians. Sin will cause harm that no person can avoid. The good n…

Battling Sin

Battling Sin

Why is it so important to turn from the sin in your life? When you continue to live in sin, you give the enemy access into your life. You will have inexplicable problems. When you persist in your sin, you could bring physical death on yourself premat…

How Could I See Hell?

How Could I See Hell?

In my book 23 Minutes In Hell I share the details of my terrifying vision of hell. Because of that people often ask me, “how could you see through the flames, and witness people burning in hell if the Bible describes it as blackness of dark?” They re…