
The Cell

The Cell

In the vision God gave me of hell, I saw prison cells. They were more like dungeons than cells. The one I found myself in was smoke-filled, filthy and dirty, and unbearably hot. It had rough, stone walls and there were bars on the door. I felt as though I was in a temporary holding…

Saved Out Of The Pit

Saved Out Of The Pit

Whenever we face trials and difficulties, the devil will make try to make us feel as though all hope is gone, that the darkness will never lift, and that there is no way out of this mess. But do not entertain those negative, evil thoughts! The Bible instructs us to trust in the Lord for…

23 Minutes in Hell

What Is A Christian Like?

What Is A Christian Like? Many people have such misconceptions about being a Christian. First of all, it is not sitting in a somber church building singing a hymn. It is not giving up every enjoyable thing in life. It is not living in the jungle and losing all your possessions.  You may be called…

What About Luke 16?

What About Luke 16?

This true event Jesus described is enough to prove universalism and annihilationism are false. It is impossible to get around these seven points in the story. 1. The rich man was not annihilated, and not sleeping, but was in torment. He still existed! He didn’t ask if he could escape it. Universalists claim that everyone will…

The Worst Part Of Hell

The Worst Part Of Hell

During the 23 Minutes in Hell vision I was given by God, I understood while in hell that I was separated from God, and from all good in this life forever. I understood I would never escape, and I would be alone in agony for all eternity. I experienced what it’s like to be utterly…

God Doesn’t Cause Confusion

God Doesn’t Cause Confusion

One of the most difficult aspects of hell to describe is the utter confusion. Because we are all created by a God of order, reason, sense, and peace, its difficult to relate to a world of chaos without any order whatsoever. The Greek word for confusion means, “rebellion, disorder, riot, turmoil, commotions, anarchy.”  The Hebrew…