Does A Christian Keep Sinning?

You would be surprised at how many people in the church think they are safe to continue sinning because they said a prayer receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Are these people truly born again?

Beware. Sin can and does cut a person’s life short, and that includes Christians. The Lord is merciful, and He gives people numerous chances to repent and change but time is running out. Practicing a lifestyle of sin and thinking you are “ok” with God is a great deception.

A truly born-again Christian will show the fruit of a changed life. The incorruptible seed (word of God) is in the heart and produces a changed life. If a person claims to be a Christian but their lifestyle never reflects change, they should question if they have ever been born again in the first place

Listen as Bill and Annette give biblical insight on to the topic of Christians who continue in a lifestyle of sin, and the danger it represents.

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