Who I Thought About In Hell

During the 23 Minutes in Hell vision that God gave me, I only thought of three people. Each person was significant. This also reveals that we have our full memory in hell, just as the rich man did in the true account of Luke 16.
The first person I thought of was my wife. I knew she was up on the surface of the earth, and me far below. I would never see her again, and could not even have the satisfaction of saying goodbye. To have no finality with your loved ones is extremely sorrowful beyond what words can describe. In addition, she wouldn’t even know that I still exist in a place of torment.
I thought about the times when I could walk on the beach with her, hold her, and tell her how much I appreciate and love her. That was now a thing of the past. Never again would I have that opportunity. The comforting thoughts of our memories together were continually interrupted by the overwhelming torment and fear.
The second person I thought of was this very large, muscular guy my wife and I would see at the gym. He was the biggest man we had ever seen, and his strength that was almost super human. We once saw him squat 1,000 pounds. He had 24-inch arms, and his legs were like tree stumps. We had never met him, but we were amazed at his size and massive build. When I was in hell being held down by these huge demons, I thought of him.
I had the thought, “Even that big guy at the gym would be no match for these demons.” The demon threw me into the wall of this prison cell as if I weighed mere pounds. They were twelve or thirteen feet tall, and enormous in proportion.
Two weeks after the vision, my wife and I were at the gym, and the big guy walked up and suddenly stopped right in front of us and said, “Do you mind talking to me for a minute?” We said, “of course not.” He said, “I don’t know anything about God, but I feel like He is trying to tell me something. Do you know anything about God?” We said, “Yes we do, and would be glad to talk to you.”
It was amazing that he would not only sense God was trying to talk to him, but that he would ask us, out of all the people in the gym. We had never spoken to him before. He began to tell us that he felt that God had something for him to do in life, but he felt he was too dirty to even talk to God. You see, he was a regional WWF wrestler who fought in cage fights, dated loose women, was very promiscuous, and had never thought about God. He believed that God could never use him in any way because his life was an ungodly one. We told him his past didn’t matter, and if he would turn his life over to the Lord, repent and turn from sin, that God would give him a new start and a clean slate.
Psalms 103:12, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”
Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
We felt that God could use him to influence many young people, as kids looked up to him because of his strength and size. We ended up sharing the way of salvation with him, and he repented and received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. My point is that God had me think of him in hell, and God had him think of me at the gym. This was a demonstration of the Lord’s great love for this man so he could receive His gift of salvation and avoid hell.
God is always so good, and He goes to extremes with people to show them the way of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The third person I thought of in hell was a Pastor we knew from the church we attended. He was a bold man with many experiences of casting out demons from those who needed it. He understood the authority Jesus gave to believers (Luke 10:19).
When I first started ascending up this long, dark tunnel, I could only see along the cavern walls when near the large pit of fire. There were huge demons aligned along the walls. I thought, “Who could possibly fight off one of these creatures?” But when Jesus suddenly appeared, the demons now appeared to look almost like ants on the walls. He said to me, “All you have to do is cast them out in my name.”
Suddenly I realized that, even though a person is no match for a demon physically, in the spiritual realm, demons are no match for the Christian who knows his authority and tells them to leave in the all-powerful name of Jesus. I then thought of Pastor Raul, and knew he understood that authority in Christ. Demons know who believe in the name of Jesus, and who don’t. Do you know the account of the seven sons of Sceva, who attempted to cast out an evil spirit?
Acts 19:14, “Also there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did so. And the evil spirit answered and said, ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?’ Then the man in whom the evil spirit was( inside of) leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.”
Demons know which people really have a relationship with Jesus and understand their authority, and they also know those who don’t.
These are the three people I thought of. I believe it was because God wanted me to realize three things:
First, to always take time with my wife and not neglect our personal time together by working too much. In addition, we need to appreciate our loved ones while we are gifted with time together.
Second, Christians must always be available to share God’s truth with others, and trust how He will work in supernatural ways in order to lead a person to Jesus Christ.
And third, to appreciate and understand the authority God has given to us as Christians over demonic spirits, and to exercise that authority when needed.
May we have God’s heart for the lost, and make ourselves available to share His love and truth at any time.
Copyright 2007-2023 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell