What The Cross Accomplished

What The Cross Accomplished

Most of the world religions are based on philosophical thought except for four of them:  Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. These four are based on a personality but only Christianity claims resurrection for its founder. 

Jesus is the only religious leader who suffered a horrible death on the cross in our place, and then rose from the dead. This makes Christianity unique. Only Christianity through the Bible foretold the future with perfect accuracy in over 300 verses about the coming Savior. Jesus made the only way of salvation for anyone who would repent of their sins (Luke 13:3), confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in their heart that God has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). This is the way to be saved. This is what Resurrection day is all about.  This is cause for the greatest celebration.

There are at least seven ways that Jesus is unique from every other religious leader. The most significant distinction is of course that Jesus rose from the dead.  We also know the following to be true:

1. Jesus claimed to be God.

2. Jesus claimed that belief in Him led to eternal life.

3. Jesus shared about His death and resurrection, and taught that it was central to His mission.

4. Jesus taught that only two eternal destinations exist.

5. Jesus taught that an eternal hell awaits all who reject Him.

6. Jesus taught that man’s good works do not save him but instead it is a free gift.

7. Jesus taught that He is preparing a place in heaven for those who receive Him.

What the Cross accomplished:

  • Sins are no longer remembered.                            
  • We are redeemed from the enemy.                                   
  • We are redeemed from bondage.                          
  • We are redeemed from the curse of the law.                   
  • It redeemed our soul from the pit.                        
  • It delivered us from death.                         
  • It delivered us from hell.                                         
  • On the Cross Jesus took our diseases.                                                        
  • He took our grief and sorrows.                               
  • He gave us access into the Holy of Holies. 
  • We are brought near by His blood.            
  • We now hear His voice.                                           
  • We now have authority over the enemy.              
  • We now have a place prepared for us in heaven.

If a person rejects Jesus as their Lord and Savior, then they will be separated from Him and everything that is good forever.  They will spend the afterlife in a burning, eternal hell. If Christians truly realized how horrendous hell is, we would appreciate more than we do our Salvation and what Jesus saved us from.  Jesus is the only way of Salvation.

To deny all of the evidence of Jesus coming and dying in our place, the accuracy of the Bible, its long standing existence (in spite of all who have attempted to rid it from existence), and God’s glorious Creation (which points to a designer) would be to leave us without excuse at Judgment Day.  Our own words will send us to hell, as Jesus said in Matthew 12:37.  Jesus said He is the only way to heaven in John 14:6.

God made a way where there was no way. This is why we celebrate this most important of all days: Resurrection Day.

© Copyright 2007-2021 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 
23 Minutes in Hell