What Could Be Worse Than The Virus?

Bill Wiese

The Covid-19 virus has people obsessed with the fear of getting sick and even worse, dying. In preparation, and in an attempt to avoid contact with the illness, people are stock piling supplies and food. They are preparing for what they believe could be the worst.

The current state of our country has alarmed millions, instilling a deep fear of sickness and possibly death.

Yet…most don’t think beyond that. People are rushing about, buying masks and avoiding other people for fear of transferring what could be a fatal disease.

But shouldn’t we concern ourselves with the afterlife, and where we will spend eternity? We are all going to die at some point. There is a life beyond this one and few are making preparations. Many don’t know where they will spend eternity and yet they ignore the idea of researching and being prepared for when that day comes.

We may not die from a virus, but we will most certainly all die. Will you do anything to prepare for that day?

Please watch the video by Bill titled, How To Get To Heaven 


© Copyright 2007-2020 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of
23 Minutes in Hell