What About Luke 16?

This true event Jesus described is enough to prove universalism and annihilationism are false. It is impossible to get around these seven points in the story.
1. The rich man was not annihilated, and not sleeping, but was in torment. He still existed! He didn’t ask if he could escape it. Universalists claim that everyone will eventually end up in heaven. The fact that no one is ever released from hell is further clarified by the next point.
2. He wanted Lazarus to come over to his side to give him a drop of water, but was told neither could cross over the gorge in the earth. This proves universalism is false, as they believe even if one goes to hell, they will eventually get out. Abraham said, “Between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us.” He told us a person cannot leave hell.
3. He said he wanted one drop of water to cool his tongue, as he was tormented in the flame. The annihilationist says it’s a consuming fire, and not a fire of torment. He stated he was in torment from the flame. It clearly was not a flame of consumption. Also, why would water suffice if it were only mental anguish, as some say?
4. The word torments and tormented are used four times. The word torments is the word Basanos and means, “severe pain, torture, agony.” The other word used is, “tormented” which is the word Odynao and means, “agony, sorrowing, torment, grief.”
This refutes annihilationism, which says a person ceases to exist.
5. He knew that his five brothers were going to come to this place of torment. If all are annihilated, or if all get saved as universalists claim, then why worry about his brothers?
6. He knew repentance of sin was necessary in order to avoid hell. Universalists state that all go to heaven, no matter what they believe.
To further this point of salvation, Abraham said that his brothers needed to hear the writings of Moses and the prophets to avoid coming there. Moses and the prophets spoke of Jesus as the only way to heaven. This refutes universalism, which teaches all religions will lead you to heaven.
7. The universalist and annihilationist state that Luke 16 was just a parable, and not a true story. This is false for two reasons:
First. No parable ever has a name mentioned in it. This has three: Abraham, Lazarus, and Moses.
Second. In verse 25 and 29 Jesus said, “and Abraham said to the rich man.” Now if it were a parable, then Abraham would not have actually said that to the rich man. Jesus quoted what Abraham said. If it was a fictional story, Jesus would have been lying. This proves it was a true occurrence.
These additional verses refute hell as a temporary existence, or an interim place. (Daniel 12:2; Matthew 13:41-42; 25:41, and 46; Mark 16:16; John 5:29; Acts 24:15).
Some have asked Bill, “Why would God show you hell if no one can be persuaded by someone returning from the dead?”
I didn’t come back from the dead because I didn’t die. I had a vision of hell. I do not fit that scenario. I am only a signpost, pointing people to the scriptures. People will only be changed by hearing the word of God, and not by experiences. Jesus arose from the dead, and still many people don’t believe who He is!
In Luke 16 Jesus gave a crystal clear, true account in order to deter people from the path that leads to this place of torment. Turning from sin, and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the only way to escape hell. To twist this story into something less is to ignore His warning, and to actually call Jesus a liar. Will you believe His words or reject them?
Copyright 2007-2023 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell