Was Jesus A Liar?

Jesus Christ is the most controversial figure in all of history. The Bible clearly records what Jesus said and what He did. I’ll mention just a few here:

He claimed to be God

He came to save the lost

He died for our sins

He died, was buried and rose from the dead

He turned water into wine

He healed the sick

He cast out devils

He raised the dead

He walked on water

He fed thousands with only a few fish and a few loaves of bread

He said He is the only way to heaven

He said He is the Truth

He said He is the one who gives eternal life

He said Satan is the one behind killing, stealing and destruction

His said His words will live forever

He said He has a kingdom

He will return and judge the wicked

Jesus is the only name that can save us from hell.

Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes unto the Father but by me.” He is the only way to heaven, and many don’t like hearing that fact because they want to believe whatever makes them comfortable. Jesus said not to sin but they want to continue in sin. It’s just that simple.

After His death and resurrection, the Jews and Romans desperately wanted to find His body in order to prove He was a fake. They wanted to stop the growing number of followers Jesus had because He was a threat to their positions, their power, and their control over the people. There have been countless others who have searched for His body with no success in finding it. It has been approximately two thousand years, and no one has been able to stop Christianity from growing.  

There is no one else who claimed to be God, who died for our sins, who rose from the dead, who commands devils to flee, who commands the sea and wind to obey Him, and who was bold enough to say in Matthew 24:25, “My words shall not pass away.” Dictators and evil leaders have outlawed, burned, forbid, and condemned the Bible yet it remains the most sought after book in the world, and has sold more copies than any other book in history…selling in the billions. Yes, the billions!

The words of Jesus Christ will always be true.

Do you believe His words, or will you choose to be deceived and follow a god whose body is still dead and buried in the ground?

Copyright 2007-2023 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell