Souls Must Be Saved

If you understand the severity of hell, you will be a more effective soul winner. You will be much more appreciative of your own salvation. You’ll walk more in the fear of the Lord. You’ll have more of a passion for the lost. When you understand how severe hell is, when you really grasp this, then you will think, “I didn’t know hell was so bad. I didn’t realize it. I cannot let my family go to hell, or my friends. I’ve got to pray more diligently.”
We need to get on our knees and cry out to God. We need to pray and fast for these family members and ask, “Lord, please send labors across their path. Lord, send people that they would respect. Father, you said that my whole household shall be saved. I’m standing on your Word, Lord. They will not go to hell. My family will not go to hell. I’m going to pray diligently for them Lord. Please save them, Father. Speak to their hearts, and give them dreams and visions. Father, open up their heart to the truth of the gospel.”
If you really knew how terrifying hell is, you would pray more diligently, interceding and petitioning on their behalf.
In 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, Paul said, “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.” When you understand the terror of the Lord, judgment, and hell, you’ll be more persuasive with men. You’ll make more effort. Think about this example:
You are standing by a swimming pool filled with clean, clear water. It looks beautiful and inviting. Suddenly, you witness men arrive with a truck. They drain the pool halfway down, and they fill it back up with acid. It’s still clear and it looks like water. It still looks inviting. Then you see children come running around the corner. They see the pool, and they’re about to dive into the water.
What would you do? You wouldn’t say, “Those are not my kids so I don’t care what happens to them.” You wouldn’t say that. You would do anything you could to stop those children because you know what would happen to them. Once they touch that water, they would die a terrible death. You would jump up and grab them. You would yell and scream. You would do anything to stop those kids from entering that water.
That’s how I felt after seeing hell. I thought, “I’ve got to do everything I possibly can. I must use every bit of ability and talent God has given me to reach people.” That’s what seeing hell would do to you.
Seeing hell would also cause you to walk more in the fear of the Lord, to walk in holiness, and to walk a straight and narrow life. You wouldn’t want to play around with sin at all. You would want to be live an obedient, humble, grateful life before God.
2 Timothy 2:21 says, “If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.”
We are instructed to cleanse ourselves and walk in holiness. It’s the fear of the Lord that helps us walk in holiness because God will not use dirty tools. We have to walk circumspect before Him. If we do that, God will lead more people to us. We’ll be a better witness with our lives, and more effective as a soul winner.
Copyright 2007-2022 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell