Open Your Bible

A familiar phrase heard in church is, “Dirty Bible, clean Christian, clean Bible, dirty Christian.” What does that mean?
A dirty Bible is one that is frequently read and used. It’s a Bible that is opened. It may have notes written in the margins, words and verses highlighted, and may even show physical wear and tear. This often indicates that a believer is giving attention to reading it, studying it, and spending time committed to growing in their knowledge and faith.
In today’s digital world, a lot of people have deprived themselves of using and reading an actual, physical Bible. When you read and study from a real Bible vs. a Bible app there are definite benefits. The ability to actually write notes helps to enrich our tie to the Bible and engage more of our senses. If we want to be a person committed to knowing the whole Word of God, we may want to consider getting back to the feel of a real Bible in our hands.
People often ask me how I am able memorize so many Bible verses. First, I hand write them, and then read them daily. If you are someone using multiple, digital Bible versions, you are most likely not memorizing scripture.
You can highlight and save verses on a Bible app but it’s not the same. If I’m listening to a Bible teacher, I can write in what the Holy Spirit may bring to my attention, or take note of something that really speaks to me about a particular scripture directly on the pages of my Bible. It’s great to take separate notes during a teaching, but when I also write it in my Bible, it’s there in context with the scripture.
With more of my senses engaged such as writing the verses, memorizing them, and visualizing the verse on the page, I experience a greater depth of learning.
God said in Deuteronomy 6 and 17 to keep the word before our eyes, to write it on our doorposts, and talk about it day and night, in order to obey it.
David said in Psalms 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” The more of God’s Word stored up within us, the less we sin.
We cannot experience spiritual growth apart from learning and then obeying God’s Word. Our lives will begin to change when we give God’s Word first place in our lives.
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By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell