Is Fear A Spirit?

People like to say that having a little fear is healthy but that depends on the situation.
In regard to escaping evil or potential harm, fear is a vital response. It is a necessary feeling in order to react quickly and appropriately to avoid danger. It is a distressing emotion caused by a real or perceived threat. Outside of this type of situation fear is a harmful emotion.
The Bible calls fear a spirit – a demonic spirit. It can torment your mind and influence you to behave illogically, even in harmful ways towards yourself and others. It will eventually affect your health and invite disease into your body. Have you ever considered that worry, anxiety and panic are all different intensities or levels of fear? While they may have different names, they can all produce the same feelings of dread and despair over our lives.
Are these emotions ruining your life and your health? Are they causing you to make unwise or hasty decisions? Do they keep you from meaningful relationships? Fear and all forms of it, whether real or imagined, can produce a strong physical reaction within our bodies.
Job 4:14 states, “Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones shake.”
Proverbs 12:25 says, “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression.”
The Bible actually tells us what is behind depression. That’s quite a statement. Fear is the root, or at least the contributing cause, of many mental and physical ailments according to God’s Word. If you don’t value God’s Word in your life, you’ll merely dismiss this scripture. I am not claiming to be a medical professional, nor am I giving you medical advice. In some instances there may be a chemical imbalance or physical reasons for depression but it is still important to examine your self and be honest before God. Many imbalances can be corrected with knowledge and a change in diet and lifestyle.
It also must be said that if you are a born again believer in Jesus Christ, we encourage you to seek the Lord. Do a biblical study on fear, renew your thinking with God’s promises, receive His direction, be obedient to what it says, and stand against any fear in your life. Throughout the Bible, we are commanded to “fear not!” The only thing we are instructed to fear is God. If we don’t fear Him, we will fear everything else.
Why does it matter if we gain control over the fear that tries to invade our lives? Will it really cause that much damage? The answer is, yes! Fear robs us of peace, faith and joy. It is also a deceiver. It is not from God and He does not want any of His children to be in bondage to it. The good news is that we can find help and solutions in the Bible. We can have victory over crippling fear and anxiety.
Philippians 4:6 tells us what to do: “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.”
God’s Word always has the answers if we’ll take the time to read it, study it, proclaim it, and obey it.
Copyright 2007-2023 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell