Does God’s Love Save Us?

Some people falsely believe that if God loves them, then that is enough to secure their way to heaven. Just because someone loves you, doesn’t mean they can override your free will. God’s love will not prevent someone from going to hell.

A parent may deeply love their adult child but that child can choose to rob a bank and thereby end up in jail. The parent still loves them but the child’s actions determined their future. The parents never desired this for them, nor could they stop their foolish decision.

Jesus Christ already provided your salvation from hell, and eternal life now if you receive it. But only you can turn from living a selfish life, ignoring God’s forgiveness, and surrender your life to Him. You must choose to humble yourself before Almighty God, your Creator.

You must understand that all of us, on our own merit, are guilty of sin before a Holy, Just and perfect God. God’s love does not override His justice. His justice and wrath towards sin still exists, even though He loves you. The sin has to be punished since He is always 100% just. However, since He is also 100% love, He poured out His wrath for your sin on His only Son, Jesus Christ while He was on the Cross. Jesus took the punishment for our sin. He was our substitute. To enter God’s house or heaven, we must choose to receive forgiveness for our sin and the spiritual cleansing that only the blood of Jesus provides. Jesus Christ died, was buried, and He rose from the dead.

No other religion deals with our sin, which separates us from a Holy God. No other religious leader rose from dead. Their bodies are still in the grave.

If you think many roads lead to heaven, you will end up in hell as Jesus clearly said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  And speaking about Jesus Christ, in Acts 4:12, the scripture states, “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” There is only one way to heaven and one way to be saved from eternal torment in hell.

Just because someone loves you doesn’t mean they can stop you from your destructive behavior. Your behavior might not even seem that bad. You may simply be one of the millions of people who live a selfish life ignoring God. Sadly, many people learn the hard way. They don’t even give God a thought when life is good. But refusing to turn to God and call on Jesus Christ to save you is a deadly decision with eternal consequences.

You don’t know when you will die. You could get in a car accident tomorrow, or you could have a heart attack, or be killed by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So many people live their lives ignoring God. They have no regard that they are accountable to their Creator. Every person will give an account to God of how they lived their life on earth and without receiving forgiveness through Jesus Christ, every thought, attitude, motive, and action will be judged by Him.

You can know Him as your Savior now, while you have breath, or you will meet Him as your Judge who will sentence you to an eternal hell. In Matthew 12:37, Jesus said, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Your words condemn you because you believe and say things like, “I don’t believe the Bible. I don’t believe Jesus is the only way. I believe all roads lead to heaven. I’m a good person so I’ll go to heaven. The Bible is a fairy tale book. God is just a force or energy” and on and on the lies go.

Conveniently, when people don’t want to change, they invent a god in their own mind that doesn’t exist. They invent a god that accepts their sinful lifestyle and allows everyone to come to heaven simply because he is loving. They are quick to say, “no judging” to others when they themselves judge and condemn the real Christian who shares the truth with them. Hell is real. That’s why I’m sharing the truth with you right now.

The Lord Jesus loves you and doesn’t want you to go to hell, however God’s love does not stop you from going there after you die. Because God is love, He has to allow you a free will to choose. Real love never demands or forces you. This is your decision, not His.

© Copyright 2007-2020 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 
23 Minutes in Hell