Are You Believing A False Teacher?

False teachers boldy make the following, untrue statements:

  • Jesus was only a good teacher.
  • Jesus didn’t come in the flesh
  • Jesus is not the only way to heaven.
  • Jesus wasn’t born of a virgin.
  • Jesus was a created being.
  • Jesus was Lucifer’s brother.
  • Jesus was only a prophet.

False teachers teach from another book besides the Bible.

  • They add words to the Bible.
  • They twist or take away words from the Bible.
  • They teach God is an impersonal force.
  • They teach reincarnation.
  • They teach everyone goes to heaven.
  • They teach there is no afterlife.
  • They teach good works earn your way to heaven.
  • They teach that you can become a god.
  • They teach that science is god.
  • They teach that you can pay for your sins.
  • They teach that you have a second chance after death.
  • They teach you simply cease to exist at death.
  • They teach there is no sin.
  • They teach there is no hell, and these false teachers cannot eradicate your guilt from sin.

Teaching and believing there is no hell is deception.

Jesus said to the Pharisees, “How can you escape the damnation of hell?” He said of Judas that it would have been better if he had not been born. He mentioned everlasting punishment, everlasting damnation, everlasting destruction, and everlasting fire. He said, “bind them hand and foot, and cast them into outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

He clearly has given us warning.

Satan influenced men to come up with numerous religions except for Christianity in order to distract people from the truth. You might think its narrow-minded to believe only one is correct, since there are so many beliefs. However, there is only one, Jesus Christ who claimed to be God and died for our sin, and then proved He was God by rising from the dead.

Is it narrow-minded to believe in only one way to heaven?  If you think about it, many things in life work correctly only one way. A plane only flies one way. The success of many surgeries work only one way. Only one password works for logging in to your account. It takes just one specific key to unlock a door. Belief in Jesus is that key. Jesus said He is the only door that leads to eternal life.

Copyright 2007-2023 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell