Don’t Lose Hope

If you are a Christian and are going through a difficult time, where there seems to be no way out, and you are feeling completely discouraged, there is hope for you. God knows what you are facing. He loves you and wants to help you out of all your troubles, no matter how severe, or no matter what you have done.

We need to surrender all of our problems to God, and cast our cares on Him, as it says in 1 Peter 5:7. Paul thought he was dead, but God sent His resurrection power to help him. God can turn our dead-end problems into life-giving victories. We rely on His power to make a way when it appears there is no way.

Listen as Bill and Annette share hope and encouragement through stories found in the Bible and from personal experiences as Christ followers.

For more information about Bill Wiese and Soul Choice Ministries please visit us at: 

You can find more of Bill’s teachings at: BillWieseTV-YouTube

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