
Open Your Bible

Open Your Bible

A familiar phrase heard in church is, “Dirty Bible, clean Christian, clean Bible, dirty Christian.” What does that mean? A dirty Bible is one that is frequently read and used. It’s a Bible that is opened. It may have notes written in the margins, words and verses highlighted, and may even show physical wear and…

This Is For The Atheist

This Is For The Atheist

This video is directed to the atheist, the unsaved person who rejects God and the Bible, anyone who gives no thought to the afterlife, or the very creation they live upon. Why do you think a Christian cares about your future? Why do they try to talk to you about Jesus Christ and the Bible?…

Don’t Buy Into The Lies

Don’t Buy Into The Lies

Looking at the world events of the last two years, it’s clear to see we are living in an age of great deceit. Christians need to remain vigilant in their faith, spend time every day in God’s Word, pray for discernment, keep a clean conscience and be quick to repent of sin. We must be…

Dying Will Not End Pain

Dying Will Not End Pain

Today’s culture has grown to glamorize, even celebrate death. Governments are not just offering assistance to end your life but actually encouraging people to do so. Advertisements and social media are pushing for people to embrace premature death – even our young people. The ones who contemplate suicide think they will finally escape their pain…

Where Did We Come From?

Where Did We Come From?

If you search the phrase, “where does life come from?” the first explanation reads: “The origin of life is a result of a supernatural event—and readily arises from nonliving matter in short periods of time, today as in the past.” The question is then, ”How exactly does life come from something nonliving or even nonexistent? …

My Journey To Hell

My Journey To Hell

God gave me a terrifying vision of hell that I will never forget. I was asked to write a book about my experience called, 23 Minutes In Hell. You may not believe my story and that’s fine. You do need to believe in hell and what the Bible says about it. Jesus warned us about…

Not Everyone Goes To Heaven

Not Everyone Goes To Heaven

The Universalist uses five main verses support their belief. I have done several video teachings on this subject and given overwhelming scriptural proof that this teaching is false, and even heretical. But for now, I will only examine the verses commonly used. To start, what is the definition of universalism? Dr. J. I. Packer, in…

Your True Identity

Your True Identity

We are bombarded with images of perfect people who appear to be living the perfect life. The world sends us the message that we are not good enough, not pretty enough or not successful enough. We may even begin to question our identity as a man or a woman, and our very value as a…