23 Minutes in Hell Podcast
with Bill and Annette Wiese
Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.
Christians are always engaged in spiritual warfare but it’s not what most people think. It does not involve pulling down strongholds over entire cities, or fighting large worldwide battles. It’s a personal fight of faith, and a battle that goes on in…
Do you feel like you have dabbled in too many evil things, or sinned too much to ever approach God? Maybe you believe you are a lost cause, and you could never clean yourself up enough to become a Christian or be in a church. Well, you’re right. You …
Because society in general has watered down a sinful lifestyle, even celebrating some kinds of sin, we tend to think that God doesn’t deal harshly with sin. This is not the case.
God hates all sin, and even hates what the sinner has become. Yes, you …
The answer to that question is most likely no. You won’t. That may seem surprisingly harsh but look at what Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14: “Many are on the wide road that leads to hell, and few are on the narrow road that leads to heaven.”
Heaven is…
The apostles asked Jesus what the signs of His coming, and the end of the world would be. In Matthew 24:4 He responded, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” This would be the greatest sign of His return, and the judgment to come.
We witnessed this ki…
There are hundreds of warnings throughout the Bible given to protect, preserve and instruct us. Too often we look at the warnings of God as a reason to fear. Many people even resent the notion that God warns man about hell.
Learn more in today’s podcast…
Some Christians promote a doctrine called inclusivism or openness of God theology which is the belief in “God’s unbounded love.” In other words, God’s great love would not allow Him to punish people with eternal suffering in hell. These same people b…
You’ve often heard it said, “God’s ways are not our ways.” So many people misinterpret Isaiah 55:8,9 which reads, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are M…
Imagine your doctor has informed you that you only have hours to live. Your disease is in the final stages. Most likely you will not last through the night. What is most important to you during the last remaining hours you have on this earth?
We all …
There are no family reunions in hell. You will not be united with your loved ones, sharing in their company, to enjoy whatever lies ahead. The only thing that lies ahead in hell is torment and isolation. Family relations would represent a type of joy…