23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

How Do I Hear God?

Did you know that Satan primarily uses the eyes as a portal to man’s soul, but God primarily uses the ears to reach man’s soul? The Bible also gives many examples in scripture of God using our ear to get through to us. If Jesus emphasized the ear over an…

Is There A Purgatory?

The idea of purgatory, or a temporary place of suffering, has been a long–held belief by the Catholic religion. It’s believed that purgatory is a temporal place of punishment, allowing a person to undergo a process of cleansing. This means that once a person has “paid for their sin” or been “cleansed of it” they can…

Where Is Hell Located?

There are many questions in regard to Hell. One that we often hear people ask is, “Where is hell located?” According to the Bible, the current hell is down deep in the earth. Many verses int eh Bible confirm this. We also know that hell is a physical pla…

Is All Sin Equal?

Some people will say, “God sees all sin the same. One sin is not worse than the other.” Those statements are actually not true. Unbelievers should take heart, and know that God does not view all sin the same. The Bible give us insight

Deception – Part 2

Deception is defined in Webster’s dictionary as “the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid.” In today’s world, we are faced with many decisions everyday about what we will believe. With so much information available t…

Deception – Part 1

Deception is defined in Webster’s dictionary as “the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid.” In today’s world, we are faced with many decisions everyday about what we will believe. With so much information available t…

All Are Accountable

Many people have asked us what will happen to the man who lives in the remotest part of the jungle? Will he be accountable for not knowing about Jesus? What about other people who have never heard about Jesus? Will they go to hell if they have not receiv…

Bill Wiese

The Ultimate Fear

While many people suffer from the fear of losing a job, losing a loved one, getting sick, or even dying, many give no thought to where they will spend eternity. While it is understandable to fear the many things in this life that we can’t control, we sho…