23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

On The Verge Of Hell

On The Verge Of Hell

There was a man in prison who was so desperate, so hopeless that he had decided he was going to take his own life. By chance, he came across my book, 23 Minutes In Hell, and realized that he would end up in an eternal prison if he did not know Jesus Chri…

Are Aliens Real?

Is there life on other planets? Are UFO’s real? If so, where are they from? What does the Bible say on this subject? With all questions, keep in mind that everything a Christian believes must be validated by the Bible. 
Learn more in today’s podcast with…

Unshakeable Hope

A Christian who becomes crippled by fear has forgotten that there is always hope for those who know Jesus Christ. There is always hope for those whose eternal salvation is secure. 
Learn more in today’s podcast with Bill and Annette.
For more information…