23 Minutes in Hell Podcast
with Bill and Annette Wiese
Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.
During his 23 Minutes In Hell vision, Bill Wiese had a life-changing encounter with Jesus. Many people over the years have asked what Jesus said to Bill during those moments.
Listen as Bill and his wife Annette recount this important and unforgettable p…
Why did God send me to hell? I believe there are a few specific reasons why God allowed me to experience a vision of hell. I’ll discuss those in more detail in this podcast episode.
Learn more in today’s podcast with Bill and Annette.
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There was a man in prison who was so desperate, so hopeless that he had decided he was going to take his own life. By chance, he came across my book, 23 Minutes In Hell, and realized that he would end up in an eternal prison if he did not know Jesus Chri…
Do you remember the story of the man in Luke 16? Because of this story, we know that in hell, or Hades, a person has a spirit body. It still requires water, they can feel the fire, they speak, they have eyes and a tongue, and they endure torment.
Learn m…
Is there life on other planets? Are UFO’s real? If so, where are they from? What does the Bible say on this subject? With all questions, keep in mind that everything a Christian believes must be validated by the Bible.
Learn more in today’s podcast with…
A Christian who becomes crippled by fear has forgotten that there is always hope for those who know Jesus Christ. There is always hope for those whose eternal salvation is secure.
Learn more in today’s podcast with Bill and Annette.
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Is Holiness a requirement for the Christian? The answer is yes. First, there is a holiness that comes through our Salvation provided by Jesus Christ and second, there is a holiness to our character. This practical holiness is up to us.
Learn more in tod…
What is the Rapture? It’s a catching away of the Church either before, in the middle of, or at the end of the seven year Tribulation period. Some that say because the word rapture is not in the Bible it isn’t true.
Bill and Annette explore what scripture…
If we are a true born again child of God, you probably believe that God will include you in the rapture. Is this true or will God only take some of His children when that day comes?
Join Bill and Annette for today’s podcast episode.
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The Bible refers to a place of outer darkness, and the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Many of us believe these descriptions are in reference to hell. Do we know for certain where this outer darkness will exist?
Join Bill and Annette for today’s podcast e…