23 Minutes in Hell Podcast with Bill and Annette Wiese Bill Wiese shares the truth about hell. New episodes weekly.


Podcast Archives

Are Aliens Real?

Is there life on other planets? Are UFO’s real? If so, where are they from? What does the Bible say on this subject? With all questions, keep in mind that everything a Christian believes must be validated by the Bible. 
Learn more in today’s podcast with…

Unshakeable Hope

A Christian who becomes crippled by fear has forgotten that there is always hope for those who know Jesus Christ. There is always hope for those whose eternal salvation is secure. 
Learn more in today’s podcast with Bill and Annette.
For more information…

Make Your Life Count

Did you know that God will write down everything you do for Him, and for the Kingdom of heaven? This is why it is so important not to waste away the days. Each of us must consider how we will make our lives count for God. Our reward will be eternal!

Will A Vision Save You?

Over the years many people have asked, “Why doesn’t God give everyone a vision of hell so they can be saved? Why were you privileged to receive a vision?” They also believe that if every person just received a vision of hell, all would believe and be sav…