How Do I Get Saved?

Hell Testimonies

Many people ask, “What is saved? How do I get saved?” Also, in these fear-filled days, many believers want to know, “Can I be assured of my salvation?” There are many questions about the afterlife. But first, what does salvation encompass?

Salvation IS NOT a formula.

  • It’s not being baptized, although we should be baptized.
  • It’s not just mentally assenting to the fact that Jesus is God
  • I’s not just because you attend a church regularly.
  • It’s not just confessing a prayer.
  • And it is not because of our good works.

Salvation IS:

  • Believing what Jesus did on the cross; He gave His life in our place, and rose from the dead.
  • A relationship with your Creator.
  • Inviting Jesus to come into your heart.
  • A commitment to follow Jesus.
  • A total change and a turning from sin.
  • Receiving a new Father, and a new family you are born into.
  • Becoming a new creature in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17.
  • Receiving a new heart and a new spirit alive to God (Ezekiel 11:19; 18:31; 36:26).
  • It is experiencing an abundant life now with real love and peace, and so much more.

It’s being granted entrance into a perfect place, heaven when we die. And it is being saved from an eternal hell. That is the main thing we are saved from.

Salvation encompasses three things:

  • What we must believe
  • What we must do
  • What we must say

First, what we must BELIEVE:

1 Corinthians 15:3-4, ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you…How that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day, according to the scriptures.

Ephesians 2:8-9, For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, and not of works, lest any man should boast.” So our good works cannot save us. We must trust in his shed blood as payment for our sins.

Second, what we must DO: 

Luke 13:3, Jesus said, Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Acts 3:19, Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.

Repentance is turning from our sin and following Jesus.

Acts 26:20, they should repent and turn to God, and do works fit for repentance.

It takes a humble heart to admit we sin, and to ask God for forgiveness.

Third, this is what we must SAY:

Romans 10:9-10, If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thy heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

This is what’s required for salvation.

These verses assure us of our salvation:

1 John 2:25 says, And this is the promise that he has promised us eternal life.

Jesus said in John 11:26, Whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die.

Jesus also said in John 6:40, And this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up the last day.

If a person denies that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, then they are separated from Him in an eternal hell. That does not infer God is mean because they are in hell. Separation from God happens because people chose to reject Him. They push Him away. They deny the only way out of hell, which is by receiving Jesus Christ. The God you might think is mean is the very one who suffered a horrific death on the cross for our sins to keep us out of hell. God proved His love for us by dying in our place.

Once we are born again, good works will follow, because you have a new spirit and a new heart. Works are the evidence that we have changed. Good works are not the root of salvation, but the fruit. They are not the cause of salvation, but the effect.

Salvation is not just a statement of facts to believe, but it is a person to be obeyed.

It’s not our sin that sends us to hell.

It’s our rejection of the provision for our sin (Jesus Christ) that sends us to hell.

© Copyright 2007-2020 Soul Choice Ministries – All Rights Reserved
By Bill Wiese, author of
23 Minutes in Hell